Sunday 27 October 2013

Tanda dan Sebab Keracunan Makanan

Mutakhir ini isu keracunan makanan semakin menjadi-jadi, malah menjadi bualan hangat segenap masyarakat. Isu ini semakin membimbangkan apabila berlaku laporan peningkatan kes keracunan makanan terutamanya di dalam kawasan sekolah dan gerai makanan di tepi jalanan. Masalah ini semakin mengusarkan pelanggan dan juga ibu bapa yang bimbang akan kesihatan diri dan anak-anak mereka.

Keracunan makanan merupakan penyakit yang berlaku selepas memakan makanan yang tercemar dengan kuman atau bahan kimia yang telah menjangkiti mkanan tersebut. Bakteria yang telah membiak dalam makanan terbabit akan mengakibatkan tanda-tanda ketidakselesaan kepada pemakan makanan tersebut. Punca keracunan makanan boleh dikesan melalui beberapa faktor seperti makanan yang terdedah tercemar oleh serangga kotor contonhya lalat dan lipas. makanan juga boleh tercemar dengan penggunaan bahan-bahan kimia dan kuman yang berbahaya.

Bagi mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga, pengguna perlulah mengenalpasti tanda-tanda keracunan makanan agar segera dapat bertindak seperti mendapatkan rawatan daripada klinik yang berdekatan.
Oleh yang demikian, bagi mengetahui tanda-tanda dan gejala keracunan makanan, di sini terdapat beberapa tips yang berguna untuk mengetahui atau mengesan terkenanya penyakit keracunan makanan.

Tanda-tanda keracunan makanan

  • Memulas dan sakit perut
  • Cirit-birit
  • Loya dan muntah
  • Deman dan mengigil kesejukan
  • Pening kepala
  • Kekejangan otot
Tanda-tanda yang dialami adalah berbeza daripada individu lain dengan individu lain. Ketahanan tubuh seseorang juga turut mempengaruhi tindak balas keracunan makanan. Jenis racun, jumlah racun yang terdapat dalam makanan yang tercemar serta umur juga menjadi faktor reaksi bakteria merebak dengan cepat atau lambat.

Sebab-sebab keracunan
  • Pengendali makanan yang menghidap penyakit
  • Tidak memasak makanan pada suhu yang secukupnya
  • Pencemaran silang antara makanan mentah dan makanan yang telah dimasak
  • Terdapat lebihan makanan (leftover) yang tercemar
  • Memakan makanan yang telah tercemar dengan kuman dan bakteria
Kita sebagai pengguna dan pelanggan yang bijak boleh menghindari dan mencegah berlakunya keracunan makanan dengan menyimpan makanan pada suhu yang betul, memilih gerai makanan yang bersih, elakkan kuman penyebab keracunan daripada mencemari makanan, dan lindungi makanan dari tercemar dan awasi punca-punca pencemaran.

Importance Of Sport

Sport is one of the leisure activities that can be done at any time. Sport is  one of the most important asset in driving a country's progress. Sport are very important to all levels of society. An importance from the sport is interest of the sport is able to nourish the body, talents and leisure.

1. Regular exercise are able to nourish our bodies.
When we play sports body will produce sweat that is not required by our body. In addition, sport as do the activities cycling, kayaking, weightifing and so on. Indirectly we will be more active body. When we play sport we mind will be more prepared in the performance of daily taks can reduce stress while working or studying.

2. Able to hone existing talents.
Though sports we are also able to hone existing talents such as particapating in badminton, running, swimming and so on. It is because, through sport activities that we can improve our skill through a more systematics method or sport.

3. Spend their time.
Sport can also spend their time, or become one of the hobby. When we free time it can be filled with sport such playing football, cycling and so on. Therefore, we can prevent ourselves from doing thing that are not bebeficial as loitering, smoking and vandalisme.

So, there are many importance in sport that we can use in any of the thing we do. This is interest we can get rid of negative things and become competitive advantage. Therefore, prevention is better than cure.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Job Hopping is Good or Not?

Definition of Job Hopping is the practice of changing jobs frequently, especially as a means of quick financial gain or career advancement. Debate about job hopping like a never ending. This case there are some people who tap support job hopping and some who do not agree with job hopping. So, now we will look at the pros and cons  job hopping.

1. To make more money
If we jumping jobs, the amount a new company will pay an employee they are trying to woo is higher than the average annual raise most companies pay their employees.

2. Get more experience
Job hopping also can provide new experience for employees. This new experience that workers can learn many other things in the world, what we call "work is very complex". So, employees will be more productive with their new work.

1. Look bad in your resume
In view of other companies, showed that a person who like to exchange is a disloyal employee. These things can tarnish the image and credibility of an employee will fail in an interview because due to the capping of workers loyal to their company's commitment to good continuous.

2. Can bring down the economy
Job hopping among generation Y can also be caused enomic collapse. In this case because an employee is not able to achieve a good commitment but have changed jobs. Indirectly, the cause problem for company had to find new employees and train new workes again. In this case can be detrimental to company. Development companies are also becoming slow and uneven.


How To Save Your Money?

Efforts to save money is a wise move. This case because of the saving we can raise money for future use. Money is very important in the world now, so as a man who thinks long way to save money is important.

However, not everyone is good at managing their own personal finances.We are so excited to spend so much money monthly is always not enough. Monthly fund money to be made there as well in case of emergency rescue rounder should use quite a lot of money. Therefore, some tips to save money safely.

1. Put saving goals
We must put our money saving goals every month. This way we will always be eager to save money every month. For example we save money because they want to buy a house. So, the goal should be drawn.

2. Aside money to spend and money saving
We must also be smart enough to manage inflows and outflows of money. This should be as to avoid excess in spending. For example spending money for clothes shopping at RM300, RM200 for kitchen
 money per month. This method certainly we will be able to save money with the best.

3. Fixed deduction of 10%
Every month we also can allow fixed monthly salary deduction. This would avoid the things we use money excessively. Consistently cuts also could indirectly helps us manage our finances properly.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Carbonated Beverages Risk

Carbonated drinks favored by all level of society. Reggardless of different brand to, people are very fond of drink to quench the thirst. In addition, to this they drink carbonated water is to. However, quite often can can be harmful to health.

Weight gain problem and obesity becomes a risk factor for diabetes in adults. In this case, because the habit of drinking a carbonated drink too often. Every bottle of carbonated drink contain more than 150 calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, coloring and sweetening beverages high. This excessive sweeteners cause serious damage to your teeth.

Carbonated drinks (in cans) containing bleach strong enough to be able use to clean our homes the toilet bowl. This proves the content of citric acid levels in carbonated beverages. This high citric acid can cause internal organ system we experience little by little tussle.

Carbonated drinks also contain caffaine, an ingredient that can cause addiction. This is very dangerous addiction problem causing every day we must drink a carbonated beverage to release the addictive taste.

Clearly, consumption of carbonated drinks can cause serius halth problems on the individual. Thus, the intake of carbonated drinks should be reduced in order to avoid health problems.