Monday 9 December 2013

Bukan Cinta Halal- Part1

By: Ctieynor
<Mencintainya Dengan Mencintai Pencipta-Nya>
Cintailah aku kerana Agamaku – Ain Nazrah
Cintaku hanyalah seketika Cuma- Ahmad Hulwan Fatih

Part 1

Ain Nazrah tergesa-gesa membuka langkahnya secepat yang mungkin, peluh yang merenik di dahi dikesat dengan hujung baju kurung cotton berbunga-bunga kecil berwarna hijaunya. Dari DKG 6 hingga ke  DKG 3 dia berjalan kaki untuk kelas yang keseterusnya. Menyesalnya dia tidak bijak mengatur jadual kuliah dengan betul, hanya menerima bulat-bulat jadual yang di beri pihak Univeristi Utara Malaysia pada masa orientasi lepas. Budak sem 1 macam dia mana tahu kena susun balik jadual. Akibatnya, terpaksalah dia terkejar-kejar untuk ke satu kelas dan kelas berikutnya, tak ada ruang langsung. Dah lah pensyarahnya tadi selalu lewat lepaskan pelajar. Dalam sibuk merungut pasal jadualnya yang baik punya tu, dia ternampak Mimi Nabila roommatenya yang bersenang-lenang kat Lego. Eh tak masuk masuk kelas lagi ke Mimi ni. Ke kelas batal?. Telah hatinya.
“ Mimi buat apa kat sini ?. Kan dah  lewat ni jom kita masuk kelas? ”. Ajak Ain Nazrah kepada rakannya, Mimi. Dilihatnya Mimi masih enak bersantai dengan minuman Coke ditangan. Sedangkan dia terkocoh-kocoh hendak ke kelas Hubungan Etnik, dah lewat 10 minit lebih dah nie.
“ Kau masuklah dulu, kejap lagi aku menyusurlah ”. Jawab Mimi malas, sambil meneguk air coke dengan penuh nikmat. Dia memang selau lewat masuk kelas, bosan katanya masuk kelas awal, bosan dengar lecture membebel. Lagipun dia tengah tunggu seseorang ni.
“ Tapi kan dah lewat ni Mimi, jomlah kita masuk sekali ”. Pujuk Ain lagi. Dia memang dah sedia maklum Mimi memang liat nak masuk kelas. Tapi tetap dia nak pujuk!.
“ Kau ni Ain, aku cakap kejap lagi maknanya kejap lagi lah. Memang tak faham Bahasa Melayu erk? ”. Mimi mula nak membentak, bercakap dengan Ain membuatkan dia rasa sakit jiwa. Gadis kecik molek didepannya ni memang lemah lembut orangnya dan suka buat amal kebaikan. Hari-hari menegurnya. Buat ini salah, buat itu salah, apa kejadahnya yang betul pun dia tak tahu.
“ Tapi...”
“ Arghhh... tak ada tapi-tapi, dah lah Ustazah kau pergi masuk kelas.. lagi lama kau menye...”. belum sempat Mimi menyudahkan ayat menghalau Ain Nazrah, seorang jejaka dari arah belakang datang menyapa.
“ Hai Mimi sayang dah lama you tunggu? Sory eh I lambat sikit, Si Arraf ni hah lembab macam siput, jalan macam Mak Nenek ”. Ucap Ahmad Hulwan Fatih, sambil mengambil mengambil tempat disebelah Mimi. Senyuman manis dihulurkannya.
“ Eh aku pulak yang disalahkan!! ”. Padahal Fatih ni hah sangkut yang dengan awek mana entah tadi. Aku plak yang jadi bahananya, kurang asam punya kawan. Bentak Arraf dalam diam, tak berani nak luahkanya, sebab Fatih tu mesin ATM bergeraknya dikala susah dan senang. Jadi dipersalahkan pun, terpaksalah dia redha.
Ain Nazrah hanya memandang perbualan Mimi dan kawan Mimi tu, dia tak kenal pun siapa mereka berdua. Macam manalah nak kenal  Ain Nazrah oii kehidupannya hanyalah kuliah, perpustakaan,dan bertapa kat Dewan Pengginapan Bank Muamalat tu je. Bisik hatinya sambil tersenyum simpul, mengenangkan rutin hidupnya sejak dia datang belajar di UUM ni.
“ Takpe I pun baru sampai je ni. Nah air, kesian you nampak tercungap-cungap je. Tak sabar  nak jumpa I erk ”. Ucap Mimi dengan nada suara lentoknya sambil menghulurkan baki air coke yang tinggal separuh itu kepada Fatih.
Nope is ok honey, I tak penat pun. You minum lar ”. Tolak Fatih, sambil matanya melirik ke arah gadis kecik molek yang berdiri sebelah Mimi. Manisnya senyuman dia. Hati kecilnya mula berlagu. Kawan Mimi ke ni? Ada ke Mimi stok kawan baik-baik macam ni?. Setahunya, Mimi seorang yang peramah terutamanya dengan lelaki, kuat bersosial dan pandai menggoda jugak. Sebab inilah dia boleh kamcing dengan Mimi yang dianggap teman tapi mesranya.
Matanya ligat memandang atas bawah, atas bawah, menilai penampilan Ain. Berbaju kurung hijau, bertudung warna seakanya, berkasut  hitam dan kakinya beralaskan stokin coklat. Urmm sangat menjaga aurat. Kulitnya pula putih kemerah-merahan akibat dipanah sang matahari. Matanya sedikit kuyup, tetapi masih elok pada pandangan matanya, hidungnya pula tidak terlalu tinggi dan bibirnya itu merah merekah bak delima tanpa dicemari sebarang calitan liptisk. Arghh cukup membuatkan hatinya terpukau dengan keindahan raut wajah gadis itu. Senyuman manis hulurkannya tanda pengenalan, namun sayang hanya muka kaku gadis tersebut menyambut senyumannya.
“ Kawan you ke tu? ”. Tanya Fatih, bila melihat tiada respon daripada gadis itu apabila senyuman yang disedekahnya tidak dibalas.
Roommate I, eh Ain yang kau tercegat kat sini apasal, kau nak ponteng kelas ke? ”.
“ Hahh!! ”. Hanya tu je yang keluar mulut Ain Nazrah, sambil menbelek jam di tangan. Pukul  11.55 pagi. Alamak dah nak hampir setenggah jam dia lewat!!. Kalut dia menyusun langkah kearah tangga untuk ke kelas En. Hilaluddin. Belum pun kaki meyenggah tangga, laju dia berpusing balik untuk mendapatkan Mimi.
“ Mimi kel... ”. Belum sempat Ain Nazrah menyudahkan ayatnya, Mimi dah potong percakapanya.
“ Dah-dah kau pergi masuk kelas, kalau En. Hilal tanya, cakap aku sakit perut! ”. Potong Mimi dengan suara lantang. Ain nampaknya tak bercakap banyak lagi, terus badanya berpusing balik. Bukan masa untuk memujuk, sedangkan dia pun sudah lewat. Mimi menghembus nafas lega, bosan dengan sikap Ain yang suka memaksanya ke kelas.

Ahmad Hulwan Fatih tersenyum simpul melihat telatah kelam-kabut ‘ Ain ’. Urmm nama agak sinonim dengan gadis Melayu yang ala-ala ayu,  fikirnya. 
“ Lawa ya roommate kau Mimi, dia tu dah berpunya ke belum? Kenalkan aku boleh? ”. Pinta Arraf dengan bersungguh-sunnguh. Dia terpesona dengan telatah kawan Mimi tu, pada pandangan matanya, gadis itu sangat bersopan santun dan pandai menjaga diri. Sempat juga dia usha gadis tadi dengan memberi jelingan mata menggodanya, tapi tak dilayan.
“ Tak adanya Si Ain tu nak layan kau yang otak tiga suku ni ”. Pangkah Mimi terus pada pertanyaan Arraf tu, gila Si Ain yang ala-ala ustazah nak layan mamat buaya macam Arraf ni. Kirim salam sajalah jawabnya. Selama tiga bulan sebilik dengan ain setahunya Ain tidak pernah melayan mana-mana lelaki, asyik mengadap buku je kerjanya 24 jam, dia yang melihatnya rasa nak terjeluak!. ” Yang you pulak kenapa tersengih je dari tadi?”. Tegur Mimi kepada Fatih yang dari tadi membisu tapi bibir itu elok pulak tersenggih-senggih je. Arraf pula buat muka, selepas dia menghentam lelaki itu.
Suara lantang Mimi menyedarkan Fatih daripada lamunan mengenangkan Ain. Ain, sempat lagi hatinya mengulang nama tersebut. “ Teringatkan you lar sayang. So, kita nak pergi makan kat mana ni? ” tanya Fatih terus, malas nak berkias bagai lagi kerana mindanya ligat memikirkan agenda yang dia rencanakan tadi.
“ Kita pergi makan kat Jitra nak? I dah lama nak makan Spaggetti kat restaurant tu ”. Pujuk  Mimi ala-ala menggoda sambil memegang lengan Fatih.
You dah habis kelas ke, nak pergi makan jauh-jauh ni? ”. Tanya Fatih, sambil mengerling jam tangan jenama Rolex kesayanganya itu. Baru nak masuk pukul 12 tengahari, dah habis kelas ke minah ni?. Guman hatinya. “ Habis kelas sekarang ni you tak nak masuk la ni? ”. Tanya Fatih lagi, tadi rasanya Ain kawan Si Mimi ni mengajak Mimi masuk ke kelas. Sanggup skip kelas semata-mata nak lunch denganya. Hurmm perempuan-perempuan. Ujarnya sambil mengelengkan sedikit kepala.
“ Tak nak lar, lagi pun ini first time I ponteng kelas dan ini kelas terakhir I ”. Bohong Mimi, kali ni dah masuk empat kali dia ponteng kelas,  dan sampai surat amaran dah pun.
Tanpa cakap banyak Fatih bangun dari tempat duduknya. “ Kalau macam tu, jom lah ”. Ucapnya lalu beredar dari kawasan Lego itu. Terkedek-kedek Mimi mengejar langkah Fatih. Arraf pula hanya menjadi pak turut dari belakang. Dah memang tugasnya menjadi pengikut setia Ahmad Hulwan Fatih itu.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Traditional Tips For Health

Traditional tips passed down from the elders first. their tips are based on herbs and roots. However, get tips on this very useful and can cure diseases, both internal and external. this is because the rules generated are based on nature of much nutritional value. There are some tips on tips that we can do to treat the disease and so on.

Benefits whiting

Whiting is much point other than to make cakes, or rice cake to eat betel. Here are shown some good guide to using the whitewash. Lime to cure boils, the way is by applying some whiting to the boil last around it, would boil within two days ago will soon dry up.To get rid of warts on the body or fish eye. The trick is to slice the warts just now getting to the roots by using a clean knife, then rub with whiting earlier. Apply several times until the warts just disappear immediately and will not grow again.

Get rid of body odor

The trick was simple, take some pandan leaves, pounded until fine and take the water. Add some water whiting pandan leaves into the mixture and stir average. Then apply this pandan water slowly throughout the body with both hands. Preferably do before we shower. God willing, the body odor will disappear. To get rid of the smell in clothes too, just enough to soak the clothes in water and pandan leaves earlier. Waterlogged is the same as we soak a cloth with plain soap and water, God willing, the smell of clothes will also be lost. Apart from the smell, the way can also be perfuming the body and clothes.

Soothe the throat due to coughing

Tamarind is not only very useful for cooking it can also be used as antidote for relieving sore throat and hoarse voice due to coughing. Here's how to take the tamarind juice mixed with lukewarm water, mix with a little sugar and put it in a bottle and close tightly. Soak the bottle containing the concentrated tamarind juice into the water for one last night. The next day, have a drink, hopefully your throat will feel relieved and no longer hoarse voice.

The diarrhea

For those who suffer from diarrhea, may be nibbling shoots of guava. Method: Soak the guava shoots in hot water with a little salt to clean the dirt on the pink buds. After a bit wilted, may be eaten. God willing no longer sore stomach and intestines to work properly again.

Eliminate dandruff

Hair is the crown of women. It is especially important when preparing for a wedding day. The hair will be tangled and beautifully decorated. if you suffer from dandruff problem, deal with it immediately so as not to fall into the hands of dandruff and impair your appearance on the dais. Tips to get rid of dandruff is to punch leaves until smooth before the powdered henna on the scalp. The head should be watered about once a new painted with henna. Then wrap in plastic. Allow up half an hour before being washed thoroughly.

Foods That Are Harmful To Health

Today's society often forget to review and revise the content of their food. in an increasingly sophisticated world, the average community is getting busy pursuing their careers had no time to make time for cooking at home. hence, there is a problem that endangers the health of food intake without realizing it. but the fact is that food intake is always or frequently taken almost every day. This thing indirectly affect public health. then there is a wide range of diseases. Therefore, here are a list of foods that are harmful to public health :

  • Chicken in syringes with growth hormone.
  • Beef plus a color preservative.
  • Chemicals in the plastic can absorb into the food and can cause cancer.

  • Fish that contain PCBs, waste water pollution and preservatives

  • Rice is whitened with chemicals to look attractive

  • Imported fruits that have been sprayed 5-7 times a preservative possible for water to last several months.

  • Bread containing chemical softeners

  • Tea leaves contain pesticide residues to avoid the damaged leaves and eat insects.

  • Fast food meals contain high levels of trans fat can attach a very high cholesterol in the body enhancer.

Monday 25 November 2013

Disadvantages Of Caffeine Intake On Health

Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of several types of plants. Caffeine also produced artificially and used as an additive or flavor in some foods. Caffeine is known also known by its chemical name trimetilksantina metilksantina family. This material is white powder and a bit of a bitter taste. Other chemicals found in this group are found in tea leaves theophylline and theobromine found in the cocoa bean. There is some caffeine effects on health.

Caffeine can cause patients suffering from heart problems and neurological failure worsens, and most users do not know that this could happen to them.

Strong urine and body tired and lethargic. Caffeine also causes drowsiness eye thereby causing dizziness or headaches. If taken more than 750mg of caffeine (seven cups of coffee) a day will cause headaches, irritability, onset of fear and sleeplessness (insomnia). Taking high doses will cause cramps and may be followed by death.

Caffeine causes more calcium to be excreted through the urine. This effect can occur even after a few hours ago to eat or drink caffeinated beverages. This is because caffeine can interfere with calcium absorption in the intestines.

Caffeine tends to stimulate the brain and central nervous system then acts on the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. One of the most common symptoms encountered by users is dehydration (the production of too much water from the body, causing the body to lack of water). Even if you assume by drinking a lot of caffeinated body to retain water but caffeine will act instead on the body. Here caffeine acts to speed up digestion and stimulates the production of urine.

Caffeine acts as a mild diuretic, which causes us to urinate more frequently. Water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin B can decrease due to the loss of excess fluid from the body.Coffee and tea also contains tannins and caffeine can interfere with the absorption of important nutrients including iron, calcium, and most of the vitamin B complex.

Tannin is a type of polyphenol. Caffeine actually stimulate the production of gastric juices in the stomach. That is why there is suffering from gastritis after completion of drinking coffee.

Caffeine a person can become addicted. If individuals habit discontinue her caffeine intake, it will suffer withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms) such as headaches. This symptom is common among coffee lovers and this headache will disappear on their own within one to five days or it will be cured by drinking the coffee back or take drugs.

5 Foods That Streamline Waist

Exercise or exercise is not able to produce a robust, if not accompanied by a balanced diet. Various ways have been trying to look more attractive and slim and yet still failed. Therefore, there are 5 foods that can help streamline the waist.


The fruit is strawberries raspberries and blueberries it is very good for the body because of the rich vitami c and believed to boost immunity, raspberries also, admittedly very good for digestion and fiber is good for the gut, this case can helps balanced diet to deflation waist.


Otmeal is a food that is often associated with the hardcore dieters because oatmeal is believed to be effective in reducing fat in the abdomen. Oats also helps maintain and regulate blood sugar levels. It contains fiber which is good for digestion and is definitely one of the healthiest foods and practical for health care.


Myth that nuts can cause acne still does not prove the truth. therefore, do not be afraid to take the beans for fear of damaging the face. Beans that actually believed to be able to lose weight and contain unsaturated fats which can help to streamline the waist.


Paprika is also known as chili powder. Take paprika for 30 minutes before meals can increase metabolism by up to 25% and can help burn calorie with a fast pace. according to a health trainer Dr. Lori Shamek, taking paprika proven to be able to make us feel more full.


For who crave a slim body, do not be afraid to approach yogurt. this is because yogurt is famous for its benefits in the digestive system as it contains 'lactobacillus' which can stimulate bowel movements exactly.

Healthy with Islam

Islam is a comprehensive religion. In Islam mentioned aspect of health care. Good health is priceless blessings in Islam. Health care is required in Islam as with a healthy body it was tempting us to fulfill responsibilities such as working and did worship. Therefore in sin there are some health tips to follow the teachings of Islam.

  • Practice of drinking a cup of tea every morning . Where it can control our weight. Queensland Institute of Medical research shows that the habit of drinking four cups of tea can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by up to 30%.
  • Bath before dawn, at least an hour before the soul up. cold water to seep into the body can turn fat to accumulate. According to a survey conducted by the Thrombosis Research Institute, Brompton Hospital in London found that adopting a cold shower can give energy to the fatigue. It also helps to restore the fertility of male and female energy and reduce cases of heart attack and stroke.

  • Prophet Mohammed practicing drinking a glass of cool water every day. Cold water to avoid the disease.  Cold water very suitable for system is the most efficient energy transmission to the bottom of the cell as a whole. Cold water can also record low-frequency waves and more stable. Cold water also has  an incentive that can restore the spirit of the coma and blackouts due to atomic molecules are stable.

  • Avoid eating ground mixed with seafood. such as fish and milk as dikuatiri will quickly get this proven in science that in fish ion (-) and in the chicken ions (+), if the two are mixed biochemical reactions occur that can damage the intestines.

Food Prevention Of Disease

 Lime and Watermelon
Oranges and all kinds of melon or watermelon are rich in Vitamin C can increase the immunity level of the body and the intake of vitamin C in nature, that are taken from the lemon and watermelon can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Rhubarb and Bok Choy

Bok choy is rich is the best source of calcium is a mineral needed for bone strength. The rhubarb is a vegetable rich in vitamin K which can supply three proteins that are needed to ensure bone health and may improve bone density.


The fruit is small but their nutritional value is so great. The study by the University of Michigan showed that fruit contains flavanoids can protect you from heart disease, cancer and aging brain. In addition, the University of Michigan study shows that grapes are able to control your blood pressure.


Legumes are an important source of Omega-3 fatty acids that help brain cells communicate with each other and this is important to keep your memory thus avoiding Alzheimer's disease.

Pressure Control

 Stress in general is a reflection of a person's depression that they could lead a normal life. Stress can also be life threatening murng and lifeless. Therefore, there are ways to control this pressure.

  • Sleep is also said to be able to balance the pressure. Sleep is actually capable of relaxing the mind and provide opportunities brain cells repaired. Freshness mind can also assist in the selection of better quality results. Sleep is also said to be able to balance the pressure. Sleep is actually capable of relaxing the mind and provide opportunities brain cells repaired. Freshness mind can also assist in the selection of better quality results. Sleep can also make us forget for a variety.

  • Prevent Yourself From Factors Stress Raises. We must know ourselves first. What we like and what we dislike. We must avoid the things we hate in order not to cause stress. For example, if we do not like the smoking habits of our friends, we shall set him wisely. When a friend we understand, he will try to avoid bad habits when we are together.

  •  Understanding Yourself. If you know how you react upon themselves stress, you also understand how to be effective against stress. Learn and understand the signals yourself and look for ways to reduce your stress. However, only "Taking five" to calm your mind back.
  • Positive thinking and do not give up easily. No man is perfect in this world. Thus, the most important thing we need to do is improve yourself from time to time without knowing despair until finally we become better individuals. When we have committed a sin and a shame, repent for Allah is Oft-Returning. The most important thing is, do not despair.

The Means Of Health

1. Exercise.
Maintaining good health rate. exercise ensure sweat produced in conjunction toxic body can give a person a high level of immunization against any disease. Exercise is very important for health. So, we have to work on a set schedule.

2. Provide sufficient vitamin to the body.
Enough vitamin needs of human body makes it more resistant to cope with any infection is not easy to get sick. Human health solid he most important thing in one life. Indeed, people who consume a balanced diet will have a prosperous health.

3. Intake of nutritious foods.
Intake of nutrition is very important for maintaining good health. In our diet should avoid fatty food and we also have to multiply in warm water to drink every day. We also need to take diet according to the schedule we have set in every day. These prevent us from taking excessive eating. so, we have to take nutrition to prevent this dangerous disease.

Food Poisoning Signs and Reasons

This latest issue of food poisoning on the rise, but a warm chat the whole of society. This issue is a serious concern in the event of reports of increased cases of food poisoning, especially in the school yard and street side food stalls. The problem is customer concern and parents are worried about the health of themselves and their children.

Food poisoning is an illness that occurs after eating food contaminated with bacteria or chemicals that have infected the food. Bacteria multiply in foods that have been involved will lead to symptoms of discomfort to the food eater. Causes of food poisoning can be detected by a number of factors such as exposed food contaminated by dirty an example insect flies and cockroaches. Food can also be contaminated with the use of chemicals and harmful germs .

To take precaution, users should identify the signs of food poisoning that can respond immediately seek treatment from the nearest clinic. Therefore, to know the signs and symptoms of food poisoning, here are some useful tips to know or detect food poisoning illness strikes .

The symptoms of food poisoning

  • Twisting and abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever and shivering cold
  • Headache
  • Tetanus

The symptoms experienced are different from other individuals with other individuals. An immune response also affect food poisoning. Type of poison, the poison found in contaminated food and age was also a factor bacterial reaction spread quickly or slowly.

The reasons for poisoning

  • Food handlers suffering from diseases
  • Not cooking food at temperatures sufficiently
  • Cross-contamination between raw and cooked food
  • There is a surplus of food (leftover) contaminated
  • Eating food contaminated with germs and bacteria

We as consumers that can intelligently avoid and prevent food poisoning by keeping food at the correct temperature, choose a clean, avoid contaminating bacteria cause food poisoning, and protect it from contaminated food and supervise the causes of pollution.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Bajet 2014, Kebaikan Kepada Mahasiswa

25 Oktober 2013, merupakan tarikh keramat bagi semua rakyat Malaysia. Di mana, pada tarikh ini Perdana Menteri Malaysia YAB Datuk Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak telah membentangkan bajet 2014. Bertemakan memperteguhkan ketahanan ekonomi, memperkasakan transformasi dan melaksana janji, bajet 2014 berterasakan lima faktor utama dalam merealisasikan bajet ini iaitu merancak aktiviti ekonomi, mengukuhkan pengurusan fiskal, mengunggul modal insan, mempergiat pembangunan bandar & luar bandar serta mensejahterakan kehidupan rakyat.

Bajet 2014 juga, telah memperuntukkan sejumlah besar wang untuk golongan mahasiswa dibawah teras ketiga bermatlamatkan mengunggulkan modal insan.. Di mana Baucar Buku 1Malaysia sebanyak RM250 telah diteruskan untuk meringankan beban golongan pelajar Pra Universiti dan pelajar Universiti. Mahasiswa dapat manfaat yang cukup banyak dengan penerimaan baucar buku ini, sekali gus dapat menampung kos pembelian buku dengan menggunakan duit saku para pelajar itu sendiri. Baucar buku ini juga, turut mengalakkan pelajar membeli buku ilmiah di samping dapat membantu menambahkan pengetahuan dan sumber maklumat dalam proses rujukan membuat tugasan.

Kebaikan kepada mahasiswa dalam pembentangan Bajet 2014 juga ialah Pendidikan Tertiari untuk memperkasakan IPT bagi melahirkan graduan yang berkualiti dan memenuhi permintaan pasaran kerja tempatan dan luar negara. Bagi menyempurnakan perancangan ini kerajaan telah menyediakan geran penyelidikan sebanyak RM600 juta bagi meningkatkan status Universiti bertaraf penyelidikan. Kerajaan turut merancang satu program untuk  peringkat pasca ijazah. Program MyBrain15 diperkenalkan dengan peruntukan RM110 untuk membiyai yuran pengajian di peringkat pasca ijazah ini khususnya untuk golongan eksekuti di sektor awam. Melalui pendidikan tertiari ini juga, kerajaan turut menubuhkan Pusat Sitasi Malaysia bagi meningkatkan penerbitan ilmiah tempatan dan juga menbantu penerbitan artikel dalam jurnal antarabangsa.

Secara keseluruhannya, Bajet 2014 ini banyak mendatangkan kebaikan kepada golongan mahasiswa. Dengan perbelanjaan melebihi bilion ringgit yang diperuntukkan oleh kerajaan kepada mahasiswa, diharapakan golongan bijak pandai mahasiswa dapat menghargai usaha murni kerajaan dalam memperkasakan dan mengunggulkan modal insan mahasiswa Malaysia agar bertaraf antarabangsa.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Tanda dan Sebab Keracunan Makanan

Mutakhir ini isu keracunan makanan semakin menjadi-jadi, malah menjadi bualan hangat segenap masyarakat. Isu ini semakin membimbangkan apabila berlaku laporan peningkatan kes keracunan makanan terutamanya di dalam kawasan sekolah dan gerai makanan di tepi jalanan. Masalah ini semakin mengusarkan pelanggan dan juga ibu bapa yang bimbang akan kesihatan diri dan anak-anak mereka.

Keracunan makanan merupakan penyakit yang berlaku selepas memakan makanan yang tercemar dengan kuman atau bahan kimia yang telah menjangkiti mkanan tersebut. Bakteria yang telah membiak dalam makanan terbabit akan mengakibatkan tanda-tanda ketidakselesaan kepada pemakan makanan tersebut. Punca keracunan makanan boleh dikesan melalui beberapa faktor seperti makanan yang terdedah tercemar oleh serangga kotor contonhya lalat dan lipas. makanan juga boleh tercemar dengan penggunaan bahan-bahan kimia dan kuman yang berbahaya.

Bagi mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga, pengguna perlulah mengenalpasti tanda-tanda keracunan makanan agar segera dapat bertindak seperti mendapatkan rawatan daripada klinik yang berdekatan.
Oleh yang demikian, bagi mengetahui tanda-tanda dan gejala keracunan makanan, di sini terdapat beberapa tips yang berguna untuk mengetahui atau mengesan terkenanya penyakit keracunan makanan.

Tanda-tanda keracunan makanan

  • Memulas dan sakit perut
  • Cirit-birit
  • Loya dan muntah
  • Deman dan mengigil kesejukan
  • Pening kepala
  • Kekejangan otot
Tanda-tanda yang dialami adalah berbeza daripada individu lain dengan individu lain. Ketahanan tubuh seseorang juga turut mempengaruhi tindak balas keracunan makanan. Jenis racun, jumlah racun yang terdapat dalam makanan yang tercemar serta umur juga menjadi faktor reaksi bakteria merebak dengan cepat atau lambat.

Sebab-sebab keracunan
  • Pengendali makanan yang menghidap penyakit
  • Tidak memasak makanan pada suhu yang secukupnya
  • Pencemaran silang antara makanan mentah dan makanan yang telah dimasak
  • Terdapat lebihan makanan (leftover) yang tercemar
  • Memakan makanan yang telah tercemar dengan kuman dan bakteria
Kita sebagai pengguna dan pelanggan yang bijak boleh menghindari dan mencegah berlakunya keracunan makanan dengan menyimpan makanan pada suhu yang betul, memilih gerai makanan yang bersih, elakkan kuman penyebab keracunan daripada mencemari makanan, dan lindungi makanan dari tercemar dan awasi punca-punca pencemaran.

Importance Of Sport

Sport is one of the leisure activities that can be done at any time. Sport is  one of the most important asset in driving a country's progress. Sport are very important to all levels of society. An importance from the sport is interest of the sport is able to nourish the body, talents and leisure.

1. Regular exercise are able to nourish our bodies.
When we play sports body will produce sweat that is not required by our body. In addition, sport as do the activities cycling, kayaking, weightifing and so on. Indirectly we will be more active body. When we play sport we mind will be more prepared in the performance of daily taks can reduce stress while working or studying.

2. Able to hone existing talents.
Though sports we are also able to hone existing talents such as particapating in badminton, running, swimming and so on. It is because, through sport activities that we can improve our skill through a more systematics method or sport.

3. Spend their time.
Sport can also spend their time, or become one of the hobby. When we free time it can be filled with sport such playing football, cycling and so on. Therefore, we can prevent ourselves from doing thing that are not bebeficial as loitering, smoking and vandalisme.

So, there are many importance in sport that we can use in any of the thing we do. This is interest we can get rid of negative things and become competitive advantage. Therefore, prevention is better than cure.