Monday 25 November 2013

5 Foods That Streamline Waist

Exercise or exercise is not able to produce a robust, if not accompanied by a balanced diet. Various ways have been trying to look more attractive and slim and yet still failed. Therefore, there are 5 foods that can help streamline the waist.


The fruit is strawberries raspberries and blueberries it is very good for the body because of the rich vitami c and believed to boost immunity, raspberries also, admittedly very good for digestion and fiber is good for the gut, this case can helps balanced diet to deflation waist.


Otmeal is a food that is often associated with the hardcore dieters because oatmeal is believed to be effective in reducing fat in the abdomen. Oats also helps maintain and regulate blood sugar levels. It contains fiber which is good for digestion and is definitely one of the healthiest foods and practical for health care.


Myth that nuts can cause acne still does not prove the truth. therefore, do not be afraid to take the beans for fear of damaging the face. Beans that actually believed to be able to lose weight and contain unsaturated fats which can help to streamline the waist.


Paprika is also known as chili powder. Take paprika for 30 minutes before meals can increase metabolism by up to 25% and can help burn calorie with a fast pace. according to a health trainer Dr. Lori Shamek, taking paprika proven to be able to make us feel more full.


For who crave a slim body, do not be afraid to approach yogurt. this is because yogurt is famous for its benefits in the digestive system as it contains 'lactobacillus' which can stimulate bowel movements exactly.

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